EVLV COVID-19 Guidelines

*If you are not comfortable with returning to play, it’s ok to not return!*

In accordance to the latest guidance from the CDC and Commonwealth of Virginia, EVLV will be adhering to the following protocols:

  • Every athlete will be required to have their temperature taken by an EVLV coach prior to the start of every training session (Group training sessions & Camps only)

  • All EVLV athletes must wear a mask when entering and exiting the following locations: SCOR & Rockville Community Center

  • Each athlete must sanitize their hands before and after every training session 

  • Parents will be allowed to watch training sessions! If you are fully vaccinated, you are not required to wear a mask. If you are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated you will still be required to wear a mask.

  • Social distancing measures will take place whenever the athletes aren’t training 

  • COVID-19 signage will be posted throughout the building 

What are the coaches doing to keep your athletes safe?

-Disinfecting all gear before and after training 

-Wearing our masks at all times (only if coaches are not vaccinated)

-None of the EVLV athletes will be allowed to touch any of the equipment 

-Hand sanitizer will be on site

-Reminding our athletes of the COVID protocols/checking in on how they are feeling

-Ensuring all athletes partake in social distancing procedures (spacing out during water breaks and team instruction)

-Contact Tracing Protocols are in place if needed

How can YOU and your athlete help to keep our EVLV family safe?

-Keeping them home if they are sick!

-Notifying our staff if your athlete is sick

-Providing your athlete with their own water and hand sanitizer

-Checking your athlete’s temperature prior to their training session!

-Arriving to training no earlier than 15 minutes

-Adhering to Social Distancing Guidelines

Symptoms of Covid-19

Shortness of breath






Sudden loss of taste and smell

Nausea and/or vomiting

For questions please email: info@evlvempire.com